Club Ed Runners Roll Thru Boston
The 2011 edition of the Boston Marathon (and supposedly the last time it’s a first-come-first-served race entry system) is history now, and Club Ed runners continued to run with pride and determination (with a little fatigue and soreness thrown in).

Our racers were led by Humberto Sanchez, who is quickly turning back the years and getting into collegiate racing fitness. Humberto set a new PR, finishing in 2:31, and claimed to be the first Mexican to finish (no word from the Boston Athletic Association on this accolade yet). He set out on a blistering pace (16:57 at the 5K, 1:11 at the half), on his way to a planned 2:25 to 2:30 finish, but couldn’t quite hang on…would that we all “fade” to 2:31!!!
Matt Kadowaki, who apparently has been away from the track marathon training, covered the Hopkinton to Boston route in an impressive 3:06.

Chuck Kaminski, who recently retired and might contemplate adjusting to a potential future as a successful professional athlete, added another strong Boston showing in 3:22.

Bill “BK” Kelley cruised in a controlled 3:23…no doubt cheering with the crowds and talking to the fans along the way.

Jim Morehart added to his ever-growing list of Boston finishes (is it 20 Boston finishes? 22?), hanging in there to get to the finish line in 3:54.

Congratulations to all of them, our representatives to the fastest Boston Marathon in history (Men’s overall winner in 2:03, Women’s in 2:22) and our heroes for finishing! After some clam chowdah and Sam Adams, some tall tales and sightseeing, we look forward to seeing these folks hobbling around town soon…nice work!

Flat, fast, cloverleaf course is designed for speed AND spectators on the Strand in Hermosa Beach.  Separate Races for Men and Women and 11 separate Kids Races.  The Hermosa Beach 5K is the 2nd Club Ed Championshp scoring race of the year.  Here are the details on how the qualifying Club Championship races.

Online Registration by Midnight, Tuesday
Friday, April 15th, 10am-7pm at Manhattan Beach Village Runner
Late Registration on Race Day

Race Schedule
8:00 - 5K Run Men (all ages)
8:45 - 5K Run Women, City Walk (all ages)

Kids Races:
9:50 - Age 12 - 1 Mile
10:00 - Age 11 - 1 Mile
10:10 - Age 10 - 1 MIle
10:20 - Age 9 - 1 Mile
10:30 - Age 8 - 1 Mile
10:40 - Age 7 - 1/2 Mile
10:50 - Age 6 - 1/2 Mile
11:00 - Age 5 - 1/2 Mile
11:10 - Age 4 - 1/4 Mile
11:20 - Age 3 - 100 Yards
11:30 - Age 2 - 25 Yards