Redondo Beach 5 km Results and Grand Pix Results Online! The 2011 Road Running Grand Prix kicked off with some strong competition! Club Ed Running versus The Janes! Club Ed Running members Humberto Sanchez (M-35 16:25) and John Megeff (M-47 16:40) won the mens open and masters division, while The Janes champion Tania Fischer (F-44 17:44) won both the open and masters womens division! While Club Ed Running takes the win in the club division, with 4231 points to the 4166 scored by The Janes, The Janes took four of the top five finishing positions! Breaking this complete sweep was second place finisher Alison Atkinson (F-44 17:57), of Club Ed Running! Rounding out the team competition was Cal Coast Track Club, placing 3rd with 3934 points.