Club Ed Coach's Handicap 10K
Club Ed is announcing a race to run, a chance to equally compete, and a breakfast to eat (and just for the record, the Coach’s Handicap is the name of the race, not a comment about my physical or mental health…but that’s not important right now)…

Race Start: On Saturday morning, June 25, at 07;30am, the Race Director – the even-tempered, always supportive Mark Silva (okay, you know who) – will send the first Club Ed runner off onto the Coach’s Handicap Race. This is a 10K fun event, individually adjusted (based on your current 10K performance, or lack thereof!) to hold a race that you all can win…no literally, if we do this right, there should be one massive tie for first place!

How Our Handicapped Race Works: we identify a course to all race over (Done, courtesy of Mark and Ed, and the use of a course we set up 20 years ago when we did this as part of the Manhattan Beach Track Club), we collect everybody’s current 10K estimated finish time (each of you need to honestly report what you can run), we handicap the start of the race, giving the slowest runner a chance by giving them the biggest head start, adjusting everyone else’s start based on their predicted finish time,…and then we see who gets to the finish line – hopefully, everybody all at once (or close to each other).

Then, we have a big pot-luck breakfast and explain to each other why we didn’t run what we coulda/shoulda/woulda…so expect lots of discussion afterwards!

Five Awards:
Actual Overall Winner (first one to cover the course and get to the finish line)
First Male Finisher
First Female Finisher
Closest Predicted-to-Actual Finish Time
Best Excuse for Finish Performance

Register by sending your predicted current 10K time: (which will be used to handicap your start) to Mark Silva (, or sign up at the track, or sign up at Club Ed Running on Facebook.

Pot-Luck Breakfast will be held immediately following the race:
Everybody bring something to drink (juice, water, sports drinks, etc)

Sign-up / Volunteer: to bring all kinds of goodies (fruit, breakfast burritos, bagels, cream cheese, lox, jam, margarine, butters (peanut, almond, mango, apple,…), muffins, doughnuts, croissants, sandwiches,…feed your friends; fatten up your competitors!

See you there!

Sat June 25, 2011 First Runner Starts at 07:30 AM
Malaga Cove School playing fields, Paseo Del Mar side (at the end of the street; right above the Palos Verdes Beach Club in Malaga Cove)
Questions – ask at a workout, or contact Mark or Ed