Scores To Be Settled at the MB 10K on October 1st
As Coach of the club, a key objective has been to motivate you all to achieve. Thus, I was surprised during a recent Saturday run when one of the club members mentioned how surprised he was that with only a few weeks to go to the Hometown 10K, there really hadn’t been much trash-talking leading up to the race…

SO LISTEN UP! The Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair 10K (now in its 34th edition) has historically been the line in the sand, the moment of truth, the proof of the pudding, the ... (well,you get the picture).

It is the race where nothing is at stake…except your pride, your performance in front of your neighbors, the settling of that grudge between you and that person that has no business beating you, your chance to set the record straight, to make a statement for the next year…so get ready to rumble!

We are opening up a blog for taunts, challenges, predictions, “motivational comments” for that 07:30 starting gun on Saturday October 1st when you need to show me what you’ve got!

I know there is a lot of pent-up talk out there, so use your words…write it out…here…now.