Club Ed Runners Race and Kick Off the Fourth

On a cool, humid, and overcast morning, dozens of Club Ed runners, and 1000s of So Cal runners, joggers, and walkers, turned out to participate in the 19th Annual Village Runner Fourth of July 5K in Redondo Beach. It was another successful and well-organized run, with over 2400 finishers of all ages, speeds, and sizes in the 5K, and hundreds more in the kids’ races.

Favorable racing conditions brought fast times in the front of the race (although they must have been all used up by the time they got back to me…). Aaron Sharp, 32yrs old, of Port Hueneme set a torrid pace and won in 14:45, with Jacques Sallberg, 37yrs, of Pasadena tracking him in 15:01, and local sensation David Cardona of Torrance, 20 yrs, garnering third in 15:18.

The women’s section was also a competitive one, with willowy Tanya Zeferjahn, 28yrs, of San Clemente winning in 16:49, followed by a spritely Juliane Masciana, 27yrs, of Austin TX in 17:15, and our own amazing Nathalie Higley, 42yrs, third in 17:33.

More than 30 teammates raced in uniform (and others may have been out there incognito, so apologies if I missed them), and two-thirds of them finished in the top four in their age groups!

Eight Club Ed runners were age group winners -- Humberto Sanchez, Kaci Bathurst, Jon Megeff, Tami Shalvarjian, Rich Gust, Renee Williams-Smith, Ed Avol, and Monyean Acuna - - (nice work!), showing our strength in the Masters’ divisions. An impressive club racing debut was turned in by Tami Shalvarjian, who is quickly becoming one of the go-to team; she finished in 21:04, and won her age group (45-49yrs). The race was also witness to an inspiring show of resolve, as Andy McKay, who a relatively few months ago was seriously injured in a bike accident, showed he is determined to get back on the racing circuit, finishing in 25:54.

The 5K course, along the Redondo Esplanade from the Riviera Village to Torrance Boulevard and back, is a bit hillier and a little slower than first anticipated, but it was great to see all of you out and to see you racing. I think you can all still do better, so come on out to one (or more) of the next club runs, and let’s work on that turnover, strength, and speed.

Congratulations on all who ran, thanks to all our teammates who cheered us on from the sidelines (and reminded us to stay connected and pump our arms!),…and on to the next race!

Note: complete race results available at: 5K Results