As 2012 draws to a close, Club Ed runners got together to celebrate another year of running, a season of holidays, and friendships developed on the track, in the hills, and on the roads. Steve and Cindy Notaro graciously opened their home to the club, and although it was occasionally drizzling/raining outside, the atmosphere inside was warm, welcoming, and festive. In addition to plenty of tacos and drinks, desserts were plentiful. Cakes, pies, cookies, and brownies of all recipes and calories were happily consumed.

Coach Ed also delivered several awards to commemorate the 2012 training year. The following runners, from among the many accomplished athletes in the group, were acknowledged:
Paul Cooney, for his dramatic improvement and multiple PRs in most every distance raced this year;
Chris DeWitt, for leading the charge to develop a track-oriented racing contingent and for leading the way at the El Toro USATF One Mile Run for the club;
Marian Drahnak, for PRs in 10Ks and half-marathons, and for showing us that racers come in different sizes, ages, and times of our lives;
Dave Grethen, for reminding us of the virtues of developing a training plan and sticking to it, and for returning to the Hometown10K and finishing on his own terms;
Nathalie Higley, for her return to racing and her domination in the MB10K; older can also mean faster!
Will Longyear, for showing us that even if you pick rainy marathons, you can still PR with determination;
Nicola Lowrey, for a year of ups and downs, triumphs and injuries, and for sticking to it…to better times ahead!
Bill Macleoud, for continuing to impress us all as a Masters athlete, as a tremendous competitor, and as an amazing tri-athlete;
Andy MacKay, for defining gritty determination in a continuing comeback from a terrible accident;
Jon Megeff, for continuing to remind us, by example, that Master athletes can be competitive, fast, and successful in their chosen sport for years and years;
Ian Mickelson, for living the competitive dream as a professional triathlete, that few will get a chance (or have the talent) to do;
Aaron Munger, for a year of racing accomplishments on the track and roads, including a lifetime one-mile PR at age 36!
Sue Reinhardt, for being a true running legend, and staying “Goofy” (racing in both the half and full marathons on consecutive days in the same weekend at the Disney Marathon);
Trish Riley, for transitioning from a treadmill runner to teammate, training partner, and road racer;
Tami Shalvarjian, for a year of ever-improving running, training, and racing, capped off with a marathon PR, despite the rain and wind!
Kevin Sullivan, for an inspirational comeback, from heart surgery in summer to the Ironman in Kona!
Marty Friedman, who continues to be, in many respects, a “conscience” for the club, challenging me to think about the entirety of the membership, the engagement and improvement of all levels of training and running.

To all of you amazing runners, congratulations on an impressive 2012 (albeit not without some injuries and might-have-beens)…on to 2013!

Back in April, Sabina Helton, her sister Laura, Trish Riley, and Nicola Lowrey put the Las Vegas Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon on their race calendars. The race was on December 2 (same day as CIM), and advertised as the "Strip at Night" because..., well..., the race is entirely along the Las Vegas Strip and run at night. Incidentally, Sabina and Trish signed up for this race last year (Sabina ran 1:44), but Trish had to pull out with a broken toe so this year was about redemption. And for whatever reason (sympathy, pity, rookies - cuz the Club Ed boys would never have invited their significant others on a road trip), spouses and children were invited. Vegas here we come!

Unfortunately, it was Laura and Nicola this time who couldn't make the trip. That left Trish, husband and Crew Chief Dave, Sabina, husband Jon Megeff, son Brennan, and Brennan's friend Stephen. All were signed up for the half except Jon, who opted to run the full. Jon initially signed up for the half but moved up to the full after failing to run a PR in Boston. Spoiler alert - Jon is 0 for 2 in marathon PRs this year!

Running a race at night seemed like a brilliant idea on the eve before the race as we partied like rock stars without the guilt or fear of having to wake up at the crack of dawn. And don't get me wrong. The no alarm clock thing on race day was great. But then came the buildup of anxiety as we had eight hours of awake time to think about the pain that was to come. By 11:00 AM, I was thinking "why couldn't we have raced and been done by now!!!"

Finally, the marathon kicked off in front of the Mandalay Bay at 3:00 PM. 3,200 runners toed the line and the weather was a perfect 70 degrees! Oh..., did I mention the 36-49 MPH winds? Great! As if running 13-26 miles isn't hard enough. Anyways, the course was flat as advertised and after running up and down the strip with some additional miles through North Las Vegas to achieve the required mileage, Jon staggered across the finish line in 2:58. Not exactly the 2:45 he had hoped for but somehow still good enough for 19th OA and 2nd in his AG.

The half marathon kicked off at 4:30 PM and was also run along the strip so for the last several miles and into the chute, the marathoners and half marathoners ran alongside each other. As you can imagine, there were several Elvis sightings, a few "Hangover" motion picture characters, and dozens of women in wedding dresses. Apparently, 30 weddings were performed mid run and 28 couples renewed their vows. At one point, Jon passed a grossly overweight half marathoner in a speedo, no shirt, and carrying a full size inflatable doll. Not a pretty sight.

In the half marathon, Sabina and Trish stuck to the race plan and went out at 8:15 pace, hoping to negative split and PR. Unfortunately, the headwind during the final 10K of the race was brutal and there would be no PRs on this day. When the dust settled (no pun intended), Sabina and Trish covered the course in 1:49 and 1:53 respectively. Both finished in the top 5-7% OA ( 22,000 runners) and Trish finished 6th in her AG! Awesome job ladies! Not to be forgotten, high schoolers Brennan and Stephen cruised across the line in 1:38. Crew Chief Dave was at the finish line as we all crossed and while we hobbled back to the hotel to get cleaned up, Dave secured a spot in the Bacchanal ( English translation - riotous drunken feast) Buffet line at Caesar's Palace for some post race food and carbo loading.

Well done Club Ed and on to the next adventure...


It was a cool December day in Sacramento. 50 degrees. Perfect marathon weather…if not for the howling wind and pounding rain.

Blowing through the morning of the California International Marathon was a storm that ultimately dumped 4 inches of rain on Sacramento, flooding roads and stranding motorists.

Except for the occasional injury or serious illness, virtually nobody in Club Ed history has shelved months of marathon preparation for a bad weather day! So in keeping with the unwritten Club Ed rule that its members must be dedicated to suffering, Will Longyear, Paul Cooney, and Tami & Mark Shalvarjian kept their commitment to run CIM on a very dark, wet and windy Sunday morning.

Stepping off the buses and into puddles before the start of the race, most competitors – and your teammates – were already soaked before the starting gunn went off. With heavy rain and strong winds, most participants knew this was not going to be a day for a marathon PR. But Will, Paul and Tami apparently didn’t get the message.

Following an uneventful start and relatively fast first 10k, the marathon course turned south and straight into 25 mph headwinds, with much stronger gusts. Trying to hold his rhythm, Mark knew he couldn’t catch a large pack of runners 50 yards ahead of him and had no one to hide behind, so put his head down and pushed into the driving rain. Soon after passing mile 8, Paul Cooney worked his way up alongside Mark, said hi and told him he shouldn’t be doing all the work for the long line of runners directly behind him. There were apparently a dozen or more runners in a single file line drafting off one another, with Mark unwittingly leading the pack.

Club Ed runners helped one another through much of the race, with Will, Mark & Paul working together from miles 12 through 22 and Renee Williams-Smith joining Tami at mile 15 to help her through the final 11 miles. Not having quite reached exhaustion, Paul and Mark almost got into a fight with a runner who cut them off several times during the 21st mile, while at mile 25.5, Tami considered stopping for one last drink, having decided the pain was just a little more than she had opted in for. However, Coach Renee would not allow Tami to let up and forced her to continue pushing to the finish line.

At the finish, new marathon PRs were set by Will Longyear, with a 2:57 finishing time (a 48 second PR with almost perfect splits), Paul Cooney, who finished in 2:58 (a 10 minute PR) and Tami Shalvarjian, who finished in 3:25 (a 20 minute PR set in the only other marathon of her life…25 years ago)! Mark Shalvarjian finished in 2:59, rounding out this group of four Boston qualifiers. To top off a great day of racing, the first break in the rain came about 5 minutes after Tami crossed the finish line. An hour later, the runners were sitting in the sunshine on the patio of a nearby gastropub, eating, drinking and watching the 5-hour finishers complete their races.

Recounting their races, Paul Cooney’s reflection was that it was definitely memorable running in a hurricane. Neither the 50 mph headwinds nor the heavy, waterlogged shoes could stop the badass Club Ed team from pushing through to strong performances, while Will Longyear couldn’t even recall that the wind was blowing. Tami could do nothing but stare at her hands, which were numb and purple by the time she crossed the finish line and Mark was just happy to get a hot shower and a cold beer.

Mark Shalvarjian

Facebook Fan Page
Web Site

9AM --- Rae starts her final 6 miles (Last Day Route Map)

9 – 9:30AM --- media, Soles4Souls team, and spectators meet at pier to cheer on Rae

10AM --- Rae ends at Manhattan Beach Pier

10:15AM --- Rae is presented the Manhattan Beach Centennial Pin by Mayor Wayne Powell

10:20AM --- Rae is presented 1,000 pairs of Skechers shoes by Skechers’ CEO, Michael
Greenberg (or another Skechers representative)

10:25AM --- Buddy Teaster, Soles4Souls CEO, to speak about Rae’s impact

10:30AM --- Michael McGuirk, host in Maryland, to speak about hosting experience

10:35AM --- Michele James, Rae supporter, to speak about Colorado shoe drive on Rae’s behalf
& presenting Rae with Ulrich t-shirt

10:45AM --- Lesleh Heim, Rae’s mom, to speak about hosts & Rae’s journey

11:00 am --- Rae to speak

Kelly Modena, Soles4Souls representative: 615-479-3139,

Lesleh Heim, mom of Rae Heim:

Michele James, awesome donor and Rae fan: 720-320-1755 ,

Photo Galleries on Facebook Steve Gaffney, Rich Gust

The first weekend in October was a benchmark, of sorts, for many Club Ed racers. The annual running of the Manhattan Beach Hometown 10K, to some, represents the culmination of a year of training and a chance to make amends for previous years’ results.

In 2012, the first October weekend also marked the running of: the Chicago Marathon, and Club Ed was there; the Long Beach Marathon, and Club Ed was there; the Santa Monica 5K/USATF Grand Prix Road Race, and Club Ed was there; the Hermosa Beach Triathlon, and Club Ed was there, too (…and we won’t even get into our presence at the Hometown Fair Beer Garden!).

Dozens of navy-blue racing jerseys, jog bras, and tech shirts heralded the participation of Club Ed racers through the streets of Manhattan Beach, for the 35th running of this popular event. Over 3730 runners finished, and many of the Divisional award winners were familiar club members MB 10K Results

Leading the way was Chris Tregellis (34:23, 7th OA) and Nathalie Higley (36:08, 13th OA). For Chris, the race was a vindication of a well-spent summer of runs that bode well for his upcoming track season. For Nathalie, it was her 11th win at Hometown, with a finish time (and racing panache) that continue to impress us all. In age-graded adjusted performance, Nathalie actually WON the race, posting an impressive 87.96%...and Nathalie and Chris were also the first Masters finishers, female and male respectively, in the race.

Hard-working (and Birthday Boy) Mark Shalvarjian celebrated his 50th by chasing son Tyler around the course. Though he missed catching Tyler by a few yards (37:39 vs. 37:31), the spritely pair dominated (by 10 minutes!) the Father-Son Division race.

Many other inspiring stories to tell for those who ran, so don’t be bashful – speak up…and Congratulations!


Meanwhile, in Chicago, Sabina Helton (4:08), Trish Riley (4:08), Jason Zellen (4:09), Bill Weber (3:04), and Steve Weber (4:17) took to the streets on a brisk Chicago morning (race-time temps in the high 30s to mid 40s). All finished the race, demonstrating their determination to succeed. Club Ed training partner Rick Weis started off in a flash (74 minutes at the half), but succumbed to the cold and dropped out of the race a few miles later. To all who went, started, and achieved, we are impressed by your spirit; we will try to keep up with you in the coming months!


Several Club Ed runners were there, braving unexpectedly warm (high 70s) and humid conditions. Among them, Sam Dillman got off to a good start (1:30 at the half) but struggled in to finish in 3:18. Bryan Johnston paced through in 3:15, also fading a bit in the second half. Manny Reed warmed up with the Pre-race Bike Tour through Long Beach, got back and jumped into the half-marathon, finishing in 1:51. Mike Sevier made his return to racing with a noticeably impressive 1:17 half.

Santa Monica 5K/USATF Grand Prix Race: On a very busy weekend, sandwiched between marathons, 10Ks, and triathlons, several club members still managed to make it to the USATF Grand Prix race. This time, it was (once again) back in Santa Monica, for the 5K. Jon Megeff led our group in 16:36, good for 2nd Master and first in his age group (AG). Jim Newman recorded a respectable 21:40 (7th AG), and Karina Bird ran 21:50 (8th AG).

Too many great runs by all of you to list here; with apologies, see the respective race web-based results. Keep running, keep racing, and keep training – amaze your friends, and chase down (and pass) your competitors. 

Manhattan Beach Village Runner Race Registration Computers

Registering for the Manhattan Beach 10K has never been easier.  No longer do you have to fill out bubble sheets or sign any paperwork.  Registration is now all digital and easy to do.  Simply swipe your drivers license and swipe your credit card and you are done at one of these computer stations inside Village Runner Manhattan Beach.  The Manhattan Beach 10K also has no race registrations on the day of the race.  Friday, October 5th is the last day to register.

You still have the option of registering at up until Thursday, September 27th.  It will also cost you a small fee.   

Road Mile Championships on El Toro Runway

On a warming Sunday morning on Runway 34L at the former El Toro Marine Air Base, hundreds of racers participated in over a dozen different racing heats to see who the fastest milers were in respective age and sex categories.  Full Results

Overall, Andrew Acosta of Eugene OR was uncatchable, unleashing a final kick that enabled him to finish in just under 3:59, a new course record, ahead of a pack of truly awesome runners. Club Ed runners also raced for a part of the day’s glories (though our racers did not challenge the four-minute barrier…this time).

We were represented by 11 club members (names, race time, and age group place as shown): Chris DeWitt (4:25, 11AG); Aaron Munger (4:35, 13AG); Humberto Sanchez (4:37.9, 14AG); Jon Megeff (4:40, 1AG); Paul Cooney (4:57, 10AG); Rich Gust (5:05, 2AG); Jim Torii (5:40, 8AG); Dave Grethen (5:49, 13AG); Steve Notaro (5:58, 7AG); Karina Bird (6:11, 2AG); Sharon Lotesto (6:41, 1AG). Due to confusion in the finish chute following some of the races, official finish times and observed finish times sometimes varied by a few seconds, but all ran well.

Chris and Aaron finished out their impressive track season and club seasonal debut with solid runs. Humberto showed he can still bounce with the best, despite an occasional foot problem. Megeff was…well, the always amazing Megeff, almost winning his entire heat, but getting outkicked in the last 150 meters. Paul continued to re-write his personal record book. Jim and Dave confirmed they are fast (and can go faster). Steve showed that there is still speed in those legs, even right after the National Triathlon Championships last week (he was 3rd there). Karina reminded us she is fast on the comeback trail, and Sharon continued to amaze and impress us all.

As the times and age group finishes show, we raced well, but ran into some deep competition. Many of the other clubs, especially the Orange County groups, were out in force. Cal Coast/Compex had an impressive showing across the races and age groups, fielding flashingly fast feet for first finishes in several divisions (from seven year olds to Seniors), and fielding a half dozen or more runners in several of the age-group races. The Equalizers continued to impress in the school-age groups, and a dozen or more other clubs’ presence showed this race’s popularity is steadily growing.

Congratulations (and thanks) to all who raced down the tarmac and showed the team’s colors…on to the next race!

On a breezy warm night in Manhattan Beach, the 2012 edition of the Silva Brothers’ Mile yielded a large turnout, and similar results. Over fifty runners competed in an attempt to stay with the Silvas, who themselves provided seven racers this year (two sets of brothers, a wife, and cousins). The first Silva across the finish line this year was NOT Mark… but Jeremy (Paul’s younger son). The Mira Costa Lacrosse player finished in 5:17, edging out Uncle Mark, who ran 5:31. Paul Silva finished a half-minute behind Mark this year, in 6:08. Most all the running Silvas were in attendance, with big brother Mike (and family) in from the East Coast to see this crazy tradition continue for yet another year. The inter-family competition has been going on for three decades, and Mark-to-Paul match race was expanded several years ago to include any and all club runners. This year, the Silva “boys” turn 50, so the race held a special aura, with spectators filming and cheering their favorite racers.

The overall race was won by Club Ed runner Chris Dewitt, who returned from an out-of-town work assignment in time to turn in a respectable solo effort of 4:38. Second and third place went to Humberto Sanchez (4:49) and Jon Megeff (4:50).

Following the race, an impromptu party at a local pizza parlor was held, with lots of pizza, beer, and excuses to go around. Congrats to all who participated in this event…and a partial list of finishers is shown below (not everyone turned in their times).

Chris DeWitt
Humberto Sanchez
Jon Megeff
Aaron Munger
Patrick Sweeney
Sam Dillman
Rich Gust
Mike Cortez
Jeremy Silva
Jeff Cohn
Mark Silva
Juan Fabian
Del Carneiro
Alison Atkinson
Bill Weber
Sal DiMatteo
Chuck Weissman
Chuck Kaminski
Annie Seawright-Newton
Stephanie Norberg
Jeff Riegle
Jim Torii
Paul Silva
Kevin Sullivan
Dave Grethen
Marty Friedman
Diane Silva
Ben Silva
Jim Newman
Bryan Johnston
Karina Bird
Mason Silva
Terri Unzueta
Michael Moore
Kathryn Silva
Monyean Acuna
Jennifer Juen

I’m trying to decide how best to describe the Coach’s Handicap course, in words that are printable and postable…a challenging 10K? a scenic run? A wake-up call for the weekend?

However you describe it, over 30 club members and friends (well, they were friends before the run, at least) gathered in Malaga Cove on Saturday morning July 21 for the annual running of the Coach’s Handicap Race. On a course well-marked by Race Director Mark Silva, runners began leaving the starting line at 7:30am, based on their estimated current 10K time. All estimates were reviewed and “adjusted”, as necessary, by Race Official Jake Courtney, who was heard to say on more than one occasion – “That’s not your 10K time! That’s pure ^&$(#*! I don’t buy it. I’m giving you a new handicap start time…”

Unlike other races, the handicap race gives a headstart to those expecting to need a little more time to cover the course. Faster runners are intentionally held back, start last, and try to catch as many runners as possible. If the handicap estimates are accurate and everyone runs according as predicted, there should theoretically be one massive tie of all participants at the finish line….but that rarely happens.

Still, starting times varied by over 40 minutes…and the first finisher was only 8 minutes ahead of the last one. Afterwards, we enjoyed a potluck breakfast highlighted by lots of donuts, homemade entrees, and on-the-spot cooking by Mark Shalvarjian.

Emily Anderson (and son Owen) were first across the finish line, winning both the baby jogger division and the race. They were followed, not quite two minutes later, by Sean Ryan, pushing son Casey in their baby jogger (so maybe the course favors baby joggers?). Shortly thereafter, the street began to fill with runners stumbling in, one after the other.

In addition to overall race winners Anderson and Ryan, awards were presented for the finishing closest to predicted time (Diane Silva, within 1 second! Corrine Schratz, within 15 seconds; Chris DeWitt, within 11 seconds), getting lost or running off the course (Francis Calub, who attempted a right turn within 100m of the start though the course was straight ahead (a city sign was posted that said “Keep to the Right”, so he did!)), working hard (Karina Bird, who earned a bag of Jelly Bellies to get that sugar high), and making it look too easy (Jim Newman, who went home with a National Lampoon’s “Vacation” DVD). ..and we awarded Marcio a toy clock to learn how to more accurately read time (his prediction and estimation was way slower than his actual run).

All in all, a fun time was had by all, we got in a good workout, and nobody got lost (not even Sharon!). Congratulations to all, and see you next year for the 2013 ed-ition!
Coach's HCP 10K results 7/21/2012
Runner's Name Actual Finish Time Submitted 10K Estimate Assigned HCP Start Actual Run Time Awards
Emily Anderson 69:16:00 51:31 23.29 45:47:00 1st female
Sean Ryan 71:05:00 51:31 23.29 47:36:00 1st male
Marcio 71:33:00 27:30 44:03:00 (way off on hcp time - awarded a play clock)
Hermosa Chuck 71:40:00 46:00 29.00 42:40:00
Mike Kraemer 73:53:00 42:00 35.00 38:53:00
Alison Atkinson 74:06:00 29:30 44:24:00
Joe Robinson 74:37:00 43:00 35.00 39:37:00
Bryan Johnston 74:42:00 44:00 31.00 43:42:00
Diane Silva 75:00:00 45:30 29.30 45:30:00 closest predicted (1 sec)
Chris DeWitt 75:11:00 38:00 37.30 37:30:00 closest predicted (11 sec)
Corrine Schratz 75:15:00 75:00 0.00 75:00:00 closest predicted (15 sec)
Sharon Lotesto 75:15:00 53:00 25.00 50:15:00
Mark Townes 75:17:00 48:00 27.00 48:17:00
Sal Dimatteo 75:18:00 44:00 31.00 44:18:00
Tami Shalvarjian 75:41:00 45:45 31.30 44:11:00
Julia Fretschi 75:48:00 57:00 18.00 57:18:00
Humberto Sanchez 75:48:00 35:15 39.45 35:57:00
Rich Gust 76:04:00 37:45 37.15 38:49:00
Jim Newman 76:10:00 47:00 29.00 47:10:00 just cruisin' - Vacation DVD
Steve Notaro 76:10:00 44:00 31.00 45:10:00
Jason Zellen 76:15:00 46:00 29.00 47:15:00
Karina Bird 76:19:00 48:00 27.00 49:19:00 bonk relief (worked hard) - jelly bellies
Francis Calub 76:19:00 41:36 33.24 42:54:00 1st to get lost (went off-course in first 100m!) - trail mix
Pat Saraceno 76:33:00 47:00 28.00 48:33:00
Sam Dillman 76:34:00 38:40 36.20 40:05:00
Mihaela David 76:50:00 48:30 26.30 50:20:00
Jim Torii 76:52:00 43:00 32.00 44:52:00
Andy McKay 77:05:00 18.00 59:05:00
Tricia Ryan 77:15:00 53:40 21.20 55:55:00

Looking for any excuse to avoid the Coach's Handicap Race (not really), our own Jon Megeff travelled to Pasadena to compete in the regional Masters Track and Field Championship. Here's how it went, in Jon's own words:

"It was the USATF Masters West Region Championships, a two day event (Saturday and Sunday). The event wasn't on my radar or calendar, until Paul (Cooney) sent me an email about it several months ago. He mentioned that the meet record for the 10,000 meters in my AG was set back in 1977, and in his words, "it was time to be broken.". I went to the website and noticed the record was 34:38; reachable indeed considering I ran 34:11 at Super Bowl Sunday. And I don't count last year's 32:58 at Dana Point, because that course was short. So I went out there and toed the line on Saturday at 7:00 am with a sparse field of only five or so other runners, but my focus was really on the clock anyways. After the gun went off, I quickly opened with a 77 on my first quarter but then settled into my pace and ran even 5:30s for the first two miles. I fell off the pace on mile three and struggled over the next two miles, causing me to doubt if I would be able to get the record. With 800 to go, I took a look at the clock and realized I would need a sub 2:30 to get it. I'm not sure what my last 800 split was, but my last 400 was a 71 and I crossed the line in 34:34, beating the old record by 4 seconds. Before I left, I had a conversation with the Meet Director who told me about the previous record holder, Jerry Smartt, who had been an Olympian. A Google search confirmed Jerry Smartt was an alternate in the 10,000 at the 1956 Olympics in Australia. Jerry continued to run and race Masters well into his 80s, and until his death in June of this year."

Out of modesty, what Jon doesn't point out is that he ran virtually alone the whole way, lapping the rest of the field several times in the course of the race! Impressive to break a meet record that has stood for over 30 years, and even more impressive to do it on your own...Congratulations, Jon!

Coach Ed

Coach's Handicap 10K

11:28:00 AM

Head-To-Head Racing? Age-Adjusted Performance?

Announcing…the 2012 Edition of the Coach’s Handicap Run & Breakfast!

For those who remember (or still try to forget), this intra-club event pits you against your teammates, taking into account your current level of physical fitness…or lack thereof.

Give me your HONEST estimate of how fast you can run a 10K right now, and we will handicap your starting time, and run a “fitness-adjusted” 10K in Palos Verdes on Saturday morning July 21. In this race, slower runners start first with the biggest time adjustments, and we will hold back the faster runners…if we do this right, there should be a shoulder-to-shoulder tie (of everyone) at/near the finish line.

So come on out and be a part of a unique event…Run the race, then stay for breakfast!

WHEN: Sat July 21, First Runner starts at 7:30 AM
WHERE: Malaga Cove School playing fields (Paseo Del Mar side, at the end of the street, just above the Palos Verdes Beach Club in Malaga Cove)
WHAT: a hilly 10K course along Paseo Del Mar, out and back from Malaga Cove School
WHO: Open to all Club Ed runners
HOW: Race Director (and Head Handicapper) Mark Silva will “adjust” your start times, based on your current estimated 10K (NOTE - we reserve the right to adjust “your” adjust if we think you are messing with us…)
WHY: just because…

(What’s makes more sense than to run your guts out, then stuff yourself?)

Sign-up / Volunteer to bring all kinds of goodies (juice, water, sports drinks, fruit, breakfast burritos, bagels, cream cheese, lox, muffins, doughnuts, croissants, sandwiches,…feed your friends; fatten up your competitors!

Club Ed Runners Race and Kick Off the Fourth

On a cool, humid, and overcast morning, dozens of Club Ed runners, and 1000s of So Cal runners, joggers, and walkers, turned out to participate in the 19th Annual Village Runner Fourth of July 5K in Redondo Beach. It was another successful and well-organized run, with over 2400 finishers of all ages, speeds, and sizes in the 5K, and hundreds more in the kids’ races.

Favorable racing conditions brought fast times in the front of the race (although they must have been all used up by the time they got back to me…). Aaron Sharp, 32yrs old, of Port Hueneme set a torrid pace and won in 14:45, with Jacques Sallberg, 37yrs, of Pasadena tracking him in 15:01, and local sensation David Cardona of Torrance, 20 yrs, garnering third in 15:18.

The women’s section was also a competitive one, with willowy Tanya Zeferjahn, 28yrs, of San Clemente winning in 16:49, followed by a spritely Juliane Masciana, 27yrs, of Austin TX in 17:15, and our own amazing Nathalie Higley, 42yrs, third in 17:33.

More than 30 teammates raced in uniform (and others may have been out there incognito, so apologies if I missed them), and two-thirds of them finished in the top four in their age groups!

Eight Club Ed runners were age group winners -- Humberto Sanchez, Kaci Bathurst, Jon Megeff, Tami Shalvarjian, Rich Gust, Renee Williams-Smith, Ed Avol, and Monyean Acuna - - (nice work!), showing our strength in the Masters’ divisions. An impressive club racing debut was turned in by Tami Shalvarjian, who is quickly becoming one of the go-to team; she finished in 21:04, and won her age group (45-49yrs). The race was also witness to an inspiring show of resolve, as Andy McKay, who a relatively few months ago was seriously injured in a bike accident, showed he is determined to get back on the racing circuit, finishing in 25:54.

The 5K course, along the Redondo Esplanade from the Riviera Village to Torrance Boulevard and back, is a bit hillier and a little slower than first anticipated, but it was great to see all of you out and to see you racing. I think you can all still do better, so come on out to one (or more) of the next club runs, and let’s work on that turnover, strength, and speed.

Congratulations on all who ran, thanks to all our teammates who cheered us on from the sidelines (and reminded us to stay connected and pump our arms!),…and on to the next race!

Note: complete race results available at: 5K Results

The Village Runner is looking for some volunteers and help leading up to the 19th Annual 4th of July 5K.  Many Club Ed members will be running in the event, but was hoping that some of the families of your members or some of those not participating may want to assist.  If at all possible, below are the dates, times, and volunteer tasks that we need help with:

Village Runner, Redondo Beach
1811 S. Catalina Ave.
Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Saturday, June 30th: Goodie Bag Stuffing10am-3pm
Approximately 8-10 volunteers needed

Tuesday, July 3rd: Packet Pickup & Late Registration

Shift 1: 10am-3pm
Shift 2:  2pm-7pm
Approximately 12 volunteers needed per shift

Wednesday, July 4th:  Race Day

Approximately 30 volunteers needed

Volunteer activities include:
  • Passing out race bibs and goodie bags
  • Helping with late registration
  • Passing out water / refreshments on race day
  • Mile timers
  • Finish Line helpers
  • Passing out kids dash goodies & awards
  • Trash Pickup after event
If you are interested in helping out or would like more information, please contact us at villagerunnerevents@gmail.comwith your name(s), email(s), organization name (if applicable), and preferred dates & time slots.  Thank you for your consideration and we'll see you soon!

Danielle Boyer
Village Runner

Manhattan Beach 5K
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Race starts at 7:00AM
Kids Races start at 8:00AM
Register Here

Time Schedule
5K Run/Walk starts at 7:00am (all ages)
* Backwards Run starts at 7:45 (all ages)
Kids Dash 1K 8:00am (age 7-12)
Little Kids 400m 8:10am (age 3-6)
Crawlers 50m 8:20am (age 2 and under)

Entry Fee:  $30 for Adults, 
$25 for Kid's Race, 
$10 for Backwards Run. 
Add $5 to fees for late registration after June 6th, 2012
Course Map
* The first ever Manhattan Beach Backward Running Half Mile Sand Run takes place at 7:45. Try this fun cross training technique and hilariously addictive challenge. Only $10 entry fee with T-shirt!

Online Registration Closing Date:
Sunday, July 1, 2012 @ 11:59 PM PST

Race Start: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 @ 8:00 AM

Fees Adults:
$30 until 6/27/12
$35 after 6/27/12;
Kids: $20 until 6/27/12
$25 after 6/27/12

1811-A S. Catalina Ave Redondo Beach, CA

Times Fly at Magic Shoe 5K…& Club Ed is There
On a perfect morning for racing, Club Ed racers went to the starting line outside Corona Del Mar HS (CDM HS) in Newport for the Magic Shoes 5K, the next stop on the USATF Road Racing Grand Prix Series. Although several of our best racers could not attend due to injuries, recovery, work schedule, and time conflicts, a tough team of dark-blue-clad racers went to the starting line.

This was a very fast and easy-to-follow course: a one-mile loop on the streets around CDM HS, a half-mile up and down the street, a repeat of the first mile, and a straight-away finish. Several of the top road racing teams in the region were there – Cal Coast, South Coast Road Runners, Snails’ Pace, the Janes, the Equalizers,…and Club Ed.

When the finish line was crossed, the course record, some age-group and personal records were broken, and several former racers were back on the roads again.

Courtney Williams and Steven Shay dueled to the finish, in 14:21 and 14:22, respectively, destroying the old course record by 30 seconds. Pete Magill (50yrs FAST, 7th OA)) from South Pasadena shattered his own Age Group 5K record, finishing in 15:05. Sydney Gidabuday, the 15yr old son of the one of the famously fast names in Southern California racing, showed the next generation is here, running 15:33 (9th OA). Ken Ernst (15th OA), the 50yr old Orange County phenom, had to settle for 2nd behind Magill, in 15:52. Erika Aklufi of the Janes won the Women’s Division in an impressive 16:43 (35th OA), with our own Nathalie Higley nabbing third in 17:02 ( 41st OA).

Our racing team ran well, led by tracksters Chris DeWitt (32yrs, 16:13, 27th OA) and Aaron Munger (36yrs,16:52,38th OA). Welcomed back to road racing after several months away were Mike Spencer and Ed Avol, finishing in 18:35 (93rd OA) and 19:15 (121st OA), respectively. Mark Shalvarjian, Rich Gust, and Will Longyear, a month back from the Boston Marathon Boiler, chased each other to the finish, with the three of them finishing within four seconds (and four finishing places) of each other. The club was well-represented by 12 racers (thanks to all for the great effort!). It will take a few weeks to hear about the Grand Prix club competition results, but here’s how we individually did (nice job out there!):

Racer Name Time Age Age Grp Overall
1 Chris Dewitt 16:13 32 2nd 27th
2 Aaron Munger 16:52 36 3rd 38th
3 Nathalie Higley 17:02 42 1st (3rdOA woman) 41st
4 Mark Shalvajian 17:39 49 4th 58th
5 Rich Gust 17:41 53 5th 59th
6 Will Longyear 17:42 48 5th 61st
7 James Reinhardt 18:11 45 8th 78th
8 Mike Spencer 18:35 49 12th 93rd
9 Ed Avol 19:15 60 1st   121st
10 Dave Grethen 20:43 53 15th 199th
11 Karina Bird 21:24 46 8th 239th
12 Sharon Lotesto 23:56 60 2nd 343rd

Absent from last year’s race, Nathalie Higley returned to the streets of Hermosa Beach to win the women’s division in the 6th Hermosa Beach 5000, outpacing her nearest competitor by four minutes while breaking her own course record. 16 minutes, 56 seconds shattered the record of 17:20 she set in 2010. In 2009, she posted a time of 17:23 to capture the women’s title.

The fastest time of the day went to Humberto Sanchez, who finished the race in 16:14, just 22 seconds off the event record of 15:52 set by David Williams in 2009. Sanchez held off Chris DeWitt (16:20) and Aaron Munger, (16:55) to secure the victory.

Male runners placing first in their age group were Wiley Cubic (1-10, 22:18), Kevin Mauge (11-14, Hermosa Beach, 19:14), Patrick Kinley (15-18, West Des Moines, Iowa, 17:10), Coca Puff (19-29, Rancho Palos Verdes, 17:56), Dewitt (30-34), Sanchez (35-39), Michael Fincham (40-44, Torrance, 18:01), Bob Krauth, 45-49, Redondo Beach, 18:41), Jim Newman (50-54, 20:42), James O’Brien (55-59, Rancho Palos Verdes, 20:12), Ken Taylor (60-64, Manhattan Beach, 26:17), John Clarke (65-69, Manhattan Beach, 23:02) and Bob Trujillo (80-98, Rolling Hills, 29:32).

Females finishing first in their age divisions were Piper Newton (1-10, Hermosa Beach, 23:34), P.J. Sundeen (11-14, Hermosa Beach, 24:44), Somer Dice (15-18, Manhattan Beach, 29:32), Megan McConnell (19-29, Redondo Beach 27:02), Laura Staves (30-34, Redondo Beach, 25:19), Nicole Butte (35-39, Redondo Beach, 24:49), Higley (40-44), Silva (45-49), Susan Meistrell (50-54, Redondo Beach, 23:17), Leslie Cohen (55-59, Santa Monica, 22:06), Janice Yates (60-64, Hermosa Beach, 46:24) and Sue Reinhardt (65-59, Rancho Palos Verdes, 26:40).

Age division winners in the Kids Races were Quinn Satow (12, Hermosa Beach), Cole Gamble (11, Manhattan Beach), Grayson Doody (10, Hermosa Beach), Frankie Reid-Gagnon (9, Palos Verdes), Alex Mainvielle (8, Torrance), Mia Minestrella (7, Redondo Beach), Slater Smith (6, Hermosa Beach), Samantha Brecker (5, Redondo Beach), Patrick Behan (4, Hermosa Beach) and Wyatt Mason (3, North Hollywood).

Read full article from Easy Reader news

Dr. John Pagliano
I am sorry to have to share some sad news yesterday, Dr. John Pagliano, passed away after a continued fight with an aggressive and rare cancer.

I had known John for over 40 years, as a runner, as a podiatrist, as someone I was proud to refer runners to and call a friend.

Many of us run, train, and race thanks to John's talents, perspectives, and support as a podiatrist, runner, and surgeon. How many of us saw him as a patient, referred others to him, listened to his advice, and would literally run into him on trails or runs throughout PV?

He was a legend in the running community, for giving advice on shoes, on foot injuries, on surgery when needed. John always had a way of getting you back out running when it seemed like others said there was no way it could happen.

I will always remember with a smile that little shuffle, those big-boat shoes slopping along on the trails, that twinkle in his eye as he would walk into the patient room and say, "Hey, how's it going? What's going on?"...and that perennial optimism that began with the fundamental understanding that injured or not, you were going to be running, so he was going to work with you and figure out a way to make that happen...

So many people pass through our lives...John is an unforgettable one who will be missed by so many for all he did, for all he helped, for who he was.

Thanks for all the help, John...
Ed Avol

Jon Megeff Not Pictured Above
Congrats to Everyone Who Survived The Brutal Heat
Click to Enlarge

Good Luck Club Ed Runners!  See You Here Monday!

Hermosa Beach 5000 and City Walk 
Saturday, April 21st at 7:30AM
Time Schedule
Skateboard 5K, 7:30am (12 and under)
Baby Jogger 5K, 7:31am (all ages)
5K Run Men, 8:10am (all ages)
5K Run Women, 8:45am (all ages)
City Walk, 8:45am (all ages)
Kids Races:
09:50 - Age 12 - 1 Mile
10:00 - Age 11 - 1 Mile
10:10 - Age 10 - 1 MIle
10:20 - Age 9 - 1 Mile
10:30 - Age 8 - 1 Mile
10:40 - Age 7 - 1/2 Mile
10:50 - Age 6 - 1/2 Mile
11:00 - Age 5 - 1/2 Mile
11:10 - Age 4 - 1/4 Mile
11:20 - Age 3 - 100 Yards
11:30 - Age 2 - 25 Yards
Entry Fee
$35 for 5K Run, BabyJog, or City Walk
$25 for Skateboard 5K, and Kid's Races
Add $5 after 4/11

Brea 8K USATF So Cal Grand Prix Championship Series
Sunday, February 26

The Brea 8K Classic presented by the Brea Mall will be part of the USA Track and Field-Southern California Association Road Running Grand Prix Championship series. This is the third consecutive year the Brea 8K will be part of this popular event.

The fastest USATF members, one male and one female, will receive a special award presented by USATF-SCA. Additionally, finishers in first, second, third, fourth and fifth place in the two youngest divisions will receive USATF medals.

As part of the championship series, all USATF runners receive $5 off early registration. For more information on the grand prix, visit

Club Ed Members will be coordinating a carpool drive to Brea around 6AM on Sunday. 

6:30AM - Late registration/packet pick-up
8:00AM - Brea 8K Classic
9:15AM - Kids' 1K Fun Run
10AM - Awards

Spring Pier 2 Pier Run/Walk
“From HB Pier 2 MB Pier And Back In The Sand”
SaturdayMarch 3rd 2012 @ 7 am
Are you ready?
Registration Fees: $35 per runner 
Team/Family Sign Ups Available Now (5% saving) kids included.
All Discount Expired Saturday, February 11th 2012